I recently just started feeding Carter food with meat in it and tonight he had lasagna for the first time. He LOVED it! I started feeding him before Wilson came. By the time his Daddy arrived, Carter was so cheerful and happy. In fact, he laughed and laughed without any prompting from Wilson or me. It was so adorable. I love moments like this. I thank God every day for allowing me to be Carter's mother. It's not always easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Right now I do not have a highchair for Carter to sit in. This little blue chair was purchased used by my mother. Originally it had a tray, but I never had it in my possession. Whenever it is time to feed Carter, we strap him into this chair and place it on the floor. That's right - we feed him ON THE FLOOR! To you tell you the truth I hate it and plan to buy something better as soon as I get a little bit of money. Up until this point it has served a fairly useful purpose, but now that Carter is wanting to feed himself he will need to have something with a tray on it.