News Watch Warning:
"A young dare devil was involved in an automobile accident on the daycare playground this afternoon when he attempted to stand up/climb out/jump out of his moving vehicle. He survived the accident, but he did sustain some minor bumps, bruises and abrasions. Injuries to other persons at the scene were not reported. Ms. Mary, the injured subject's teacher and an eyewitness at the scene, said that she did see the driver shed some tears and cry uncontrollably although he appeared to look like he was going to make it. Ms. Mary also stated, "He is a reckless driver!" Therefore, the authorities are advising anyone living or playing in the vicinity of the crime scene to keep a watchful eye out for this dare devil stuntman less they desire to become the next victim. The driver's name is Carter McKinley and according to the authorities this is his 1st automobile accident (but certainly not his last). Mr. Carter was released today into his mother's care. He is at large in the community and it is unknown when he will attempt this stunt again. Women and children are advised to stay off of the playground until further notice. Mr. Carter is short in stature. He weighs approximately 19 lbs 6 oz. His dark brown eyes and black hair are dead giveaways to his identity. No other details of the accident are available at this time."