Mom, Carter and I went to the pumpkin patch this morning and afterward we went for a stroll down Main Street. Mom and I were interested in window shopping and we had been discussing taking a trip downtown for several weeks. We had a great time strolling down the sidewalk looking at the window displays and stepping inside the various stores for a closer look.
I think that my favorite store was the candy store. I had never been in there before and I was really impressed with how nice it was. It was a lot like an old-timey general store complete with creaky wooden floors, old fashioned toys and handmade candy. Yum! Actually, I'm assuming that the candy tasted good because I didn't actually buy any. I sure did want to though! Carter also really liked the candy store and he flirted the whole time with the store clerk. He thought she was so nice and I believe that she thought he was adorable in his giraffe hat and outfit.
We had lunch in town at a little cafe called Noah's Kitchen and the food was very delicious. Mom had been wanting to eat there for some time and I'm glad that we did. It was nice to eat in a different restaurant than we normally do and I look forward to going back there again someday.
Later on in the day we walked past the Police Department and a nice officer enthusiastically invited us to come in. He was in charge of the local DARE group and he was very excited to see us (mainly Carter who he thought was very cute). He noticed that I had a camera and he wanted me to take a picture of Carter and the pig statute. (Funny!) The officer was very nice to us and he gave Carter a Junior Police badge before we left.