was sound asleep this morning when the head of a certain little someone
came bobbing past my bed. Bet you can’t guess who’s figured out how to
climb out of his crib. For one hour my “boss man” drove his “tuck”
(truck) up my arms and across my face, laughed, giggled, bounced on my
bed and built a tower of blocks on my bedroom floor – all in the darkness while I tried to sleep.
when it came time for me to get up and take a shower, I placed the baby
gate across the doorway to keep him out. This lasted for about 5 min.
with him crying nonstop for MAMMA!!! Next thing I knew he had climbed
up the gate and swung his leg over the top. He landed flat on his back
with the gate on top of him. Seconds later he scrambled across the
floor and swung his leg over the tub to join me…pajamas and all.
Boy do I love motherhood!