Friday, February 12, 2010


I purchased this Graco Baby Einstein Discover and Play Entertainer before Carter was born for about $60.00 from a little store down the street from where I live. It has turned out to be one of the best purchases ever.  It was used when I got it and it is has gotten even more used since Carter has played in it. He loves this thing and will stay in it for long periods of time. I started putting Carter in it when he was still very tiny. I remember him crying around 2:00 a.m. one night.  After feeding him, he still didn't want to go back to sleep. So, I placed him in the exersaucer with a couple of receiving blankets surrounding his body to keep him from flopping around. He was only about three weeks old, but even as a newborn he had really good neck and head control - strong and sturdy! After getting him situated, I laid back down, but I could see him from my bed.  He sat there like a little prince looking all around with his tiny little black marble eyes. His feet literally only hung like an inch or two down from the bottom of the cloth padded seat. Such a tiny sweet baby. I was so exhausted that I dozed off.  When I woke back up, he was still there and still looking all around.