Saturday, August 28, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010


Carter has an ear infection and he needed a pair of ears that didn't hurt while his old set is being fixed. So, I dug out these old ears from the back of his closet to tide him over until he starts to feel better. They seem to help his ears when they are so painful. As soon as I put the hat on him, he stopped crying. The hat was working great until the very end when his Tylenol started to wear off. I ended up re-medicating him and putting him to sleep in his swing. He's been so fussy and mean this week. In addition to his ears hurting, he's also been teething. Yikes! Carter has four teeth coming in right now - two on the top and two on the bottom. In the pictures you can see him showing his mean bear teeth, LOL. Poor Little Bear Cub!

I got the idea for the hat from my own childhood. One time when I was a little girl I had a bad ear infection so I put on a knitted baby hat with ear flaps which provided immediate relief. I'm not really sure why it helps, it just does.

The Elephant  
Has a Bad Earache  

The elephant has a bad earache. 
The centipede stubbed all his toes. 
The giraffe has developed a nasty sore throat 
and the rhino can't breathe through his nose. 
The mockingbird has an unclear ache. 
The lion's so hoarse he can't roar. 
The hog cannot eat, as his tummy's upset, 
and the parrot can't talk anymore. 
The doe has a pain in the deer ache. 
Just what should the beast doctor do? 
The duck is so sick she can't possibly float. 
It's a really bad day at the zoo. 

by Denise Rodgers

Friday, August 13, 2010

Monday, August 9, 2010

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Carter was clapping his hands to the music as the choir sang in church this morning. This was the first time I’ve seen him do this in church.  He has changed so much in just a short time. Carter notices everything and is now actively participating in what goes on around him.

Friday, August 6, 2010


This morning I was in a hurry to get us both ready for the day.  Carter was busy playing with the buttons on his swing and I was standing in front of the mirror brushing my hair.  A couple of minutes passed and I realized that everything around me was quiet.  When I looked over at the baby, he was standing up without any support.  I quickly started counting the seconds.  1…8…15…22…30!  If my calculations are correct, he stood up without holding onto anything for at least 30 seconds before plopping down on his padded behind thus beating his current record of like 5 seconds. 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Sunday, August 1, 2010


Yay! Carter walked 1 1/2 steps today!!! Carter and I were in the living room at Mom's house. We went there this afternoon after church. Anyway, Mom was holding Carter and she was trying to get him to walk a couple of feet over to Rachel. Mom stood him up on the floor, got him steady and then gave him a little push forward.  He took 1 1/2 steps forward and then fell down. We all clapped our hands, congratulated him and told him what a big boy he was...then he burst into tears. I guess he was scared by all of the hoopla and a little sad and mad. He must have had a certain date in mind to do this and we destroyed his plans.