Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Carter is sick again.  This time it appears to be a cold. Last night he was so snuggly and cuddly - very unlike his usual self (although I enjoyed it).  This morning after drinking his bottle he fell back asleep while I was getting ready for work.  I don't think he slept very well last night.  I heard him moving about in his crib very early this morning and he started crying to get up around 5 am.  He's not running a fever, so I dropped the poor little feller off at daycare. I'll probably pamper him tonight and then put him to bed early.

Monday, June 28, 2010


Tonight I was playing with Carter on our living room floor and watching him crawl around after his toys. I decided that it would be a good time to take a video of him crawling and got my camera. As the camera was "rolling," Carter crawled over to the ottoman and stood up! Just like if he had being doing so all his life. He had been pulling himself up on objects that are below the height of his waist, but tonight was the first time he was able to pull himself up on such a large item. Later that evening (after he had gone to bed) I opened his bedroom door a crack to peek in to see if he was sleeping and there he was - standing up and chewing on the top crib rail. I ran to grab my camera and when he saw me through the door he started to cry as if his heart was going to break. He was crying so hard he was gasping for air and his little body was trembling. Crying for Mommy is getting to be a nightly event for us. I try not to pick him up when he does this, but tonight he was just so upset. After cuddling him, I ended up letting him fall asleep in his swing with a bottle and then transferred him to his crib once he had been sleeping for awhile. I think this is really becoming a bad habit.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Sunday, June 20, 2010


At daycare Carter made Wilson this poem for Father's Day.  He gave the poem to his Daddy today along with the {Twirly Pop Bay} pictures I took of him several days ago. I wrapped the pictures (including one framed 8x10 picture) in packaging paper and raffia and used Carter's feet and hands to make the package pretty.  I think Wilson appreciated his gifts.


Carter has been doing the "army soldier" crawl for some time now, but this morning he started to really crawl. By the end of day, he was moving so fast. He also started putting himself into a sitting position today. He's been able to sit up, but until today I had to place him in that position. It seems like he's really changed so much in the past 30 days. In addition to crawling and sitting, he's learned to drink from a sippy cup and is eating more table foods. I still have not baby proofed the house, but I'd better hurry up and do so. This kid is getting into everything! As you can see from these pictures, he got into the planter and ate some of the dirt when I wasn't paying attention.

Thursday, June 17, 2010


I just wanted to take the time to document the cute way Carter sticks his toes through his blanket. I think he does this whenever his feet are sock free.  I love my little boy's funny personality.  This has been going on ever since he was a tiny newborn.  He has never liked being bound up or covered over with blankets.  Even as a little baby he would struggle to get free if I tried to swaddle him. To keep him warm in the winter I would put him in footed pajamas. Now that it is summer, Carter is really enjoying the freedom to wiggle his toes in the open air. Isn't interesting how even the tiniest humans have strong personalities?

Monday, June 14, 2010


My mom came to watch Carter today since he's still sick. This picture is of the two of them sitting on my bed.  I've been so blessed to have a mother (and sister) who care about me and are willing to help whenever I call. Carter adores his Grandma and Aunt Rachel and his face lights up whenever he sees them.

Sunday, June 13, 2010


Carter is sick this week. He's sick so often it's disheartening. I think that sometimes being sick so frequently has at times delayed his development. This morning he was running a fever of 103. In these pictures he had crawled up beside me (the army soldier crawl) and rested his hot little head on the large floor pillow in his nursery. After he fell asleep, I took these pictures. So cute, so sweet...

Friday, June 11, 2010


I love these pictures of my Mom and little boy.  Carter adores his Grandma.  I thought it was cute how a dish towel was tied around Carter's waist to hold him onto the chair.  I wish my waist was small enough that a dish towel could be tied around it.  Don't you?


I took Carter's 9 month pictures today. Rachel, my sister, was my "assistant."  I wanted to get pictures of Carter and me together. Most of the "photo shoot" went well except for a few incidences. First, Carter hated getting his feet wet in the lake and he cried.  I think the small waves (although they probably looked pretty big to him) scared him.  Secondly, he choked on a leaf or small stick and spit up his whole bottle of formula.  Thirdly, throughout the shoot he kept trying to stand up and he ended up tumbling out of his red bucket.  This made him cry and it scared me.  So, we decided to call it a day.

At 9 months old, Carter is still working on perfecting his "army soldier" crawl and he can move fairly quickly if given the opportunity.  He wants to crawl, stand and walk like "the big boys," but he cannot figure out how to do it just yet.  Carter is pulling up on objects that are no taller than his waist.  He still refuses to drink from a sippy cup. 

He is happy and babbles constantly even when nobody is in the room with him.  He is a big talker - just like Daddy. (And Mommy too!) One of Wilson's favorite things to tell Carter is that he is a "FilAmGermSpan..."  This list can go on because of our combined lineage.  I think Wilson is very pleased that his son has such a mixed heritage.

Sometimes Carter "sings" along with me and Wilson while we're singing to him.  We think this is very cute.  Unfortunately, he's only done this a few times and I haven't been able to get it on video.  I can't wait until he starts singing along more often.  Some of my favorite songs to sing to Carter are "The B-I-B-L-E" "Jesus Loves The Little Children" "Only A Boy Named David" and "Heavenly Sunlight."  Carter seems to really like it when I sing "Only A Boy Named David" and "Jesus Loves The Little Children."  I used to sing these songs to him while he was still in my womb and I think he recognizes them and likes their familiarity. I remember several months ago signing "Only A Boy Named David" and he looked up at me with his big brown eyes and listened intently. He had an expression on his face that said, "Hey, that sounds so familiar.  I like it!" There are many other songs that I sing, and more often than not I make up my own. 

Carter gives kisses to me and Wilson. (His mouth is wide open as he slobbers all over our faces - very wet indeed!) I LOVE LOVE LOVE this.  He's kind of like a cave man...he grabs the hair on both sides of my face and pulls me to his mouth.  I say, "Ohhh! What a sweet boy!" and he says "Ohhh!" along with me while sustaining his mouth wide open kiss against my cheek or forehead.  His deep voice reminds me of Tarzan or a cave man.  There is nothing feminine about this little boy.  He's definitely no pansy. Carter is 100% all boy.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010


I recently just started feeding Carter food with meat in it and tonight he had lasagna for the first time. He LOVED it! I started feeding him before Wilson came. By the time his Daddy arrived, Carter was so cheerful and happy. In fact, he laughed and laughed without any prompting from Wilson or me. It was so adorable.  I love moments like this. I thank God every day for allowing me to be Carter's mother. It's not always easy, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in this world. Right now I do not have a highchair for Carter to sit in.  This little blue chair was purchased used by my mother.  Originally it had a tray, but I never had it in my possession.  Whenever it is time to feed Carter, we strap him into this chair and place it on the floor. That's right - we feed him ON THE FLOOR! To you tell you the truth I hate it and plan to buy something better as soon as I get a little bit of money. Up until this point it has served a fairly useful purpose, but now that Carter is wanting to feed himself he will need to have something with a tray on it.

Friday, June 4, 2010


Today Carter and I went to my nephew's preschool graduation. The graduates were dressed in either blue, red or white caps and gowns. They all looked so cute. Carter sat on Mom's lap while I took pictures. He kept himself busy by chewing on everyone's handouts - just like a goat! As you can see in the pictures, Dillon loves his teacher and is really going to miss being in her class at daycare/preschool.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


When Wilson came over for his visitation tonight, we took Carter to the neighborhood playground. Wilson helped him to swing like a "big boy."  While they played, I practiced "panning" with my camera. I also used the sun to incorporate some lens flair into some of the photos. The purpose of all this was just to practice different photography techniques.