Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Saturday, March 20, 2010


In three days Carter will be 7 months old.  Therefore, this is his 7 month photo shoot. He is just learning to sit up and can do so for about 40-50 seconds before toppling over. Setting up this "photo shoot" took a little bit of time and a lot of patience with the subject. Surprised  He kept falling over as soon as I took my hand off of him - lol! To get this shot, I taped the stuffed animals to my bed with packaging tape, I put my camera on a tripod and set it on the timer mode to take 10 sequential photos each 1 second apart. Needless to say, I had a lot of photos to delete afterwords.  I got the idea for this picture from The BetterPhoto Guide to Photographing Children by Jim Miotke.  I purchased this book prior to Carter's birth and I knew when I saw his version of the photo that I wanted to try and replicate it.  I think it turned out well.

Much thanks to Carter's cousins who so graciously loaned their stuffed animals for today's pictures...and much thanks to Carter for not peeing all over Mommy's bed!

Carter is eating a little pureed baby food now - mainly apples, bananas and pears mixed sometimes with a little bit of oatmeal. He still gages and chokes a lot on his food which a little scary.  I read that this is all perfectly normal though. I tried feeding him rice, but he seems to have a reaction to it so I’m going to hold off for a while on this. I’ve tried giving Carter a sippy cup which was given to us by WIC, but he chokes on the fast flowing liquid and he cannot figure out how to suck on the hard plastic sipper.

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I LOVE this swing! It was a gift from my mother and given to me at my baby shower. Thanks Mom!!! It has been an absolute godsend and I wish that every new parent could have one. It's called the sweetpeace™ infant soothing swing and it's made by Graco. It's worked wonderfully for my little pampered pet these past 6 months and it has truly brought "sweet peace" to this home. I put Carter in this swing every morning while I shower and get ready for work. He takes all of his naps in it especially on weekends when he will sleep in the swing for several hours during the day. He gets so tired going to daycare during the week and the swing helps him to unwind, relax and recuperate for the following week's activities. Carter also sleeps in his swing during the night when he's sick with a cold or ear infection. I think it helps him to keep his head elevated when he's not feeling well. If only they would make a swing like this in my size! It plugs into the wall outlet so that I do not have to buy tons of batteries. The swing also has lots of different controls for speed, different sounds and music. I also like how the seat can recline, vibrate and be placed into four different positions which is supposed to mimic the way a mother naturally rocks her baby. This swing even has a plug-in for an MP3 player! How cool is that!!! Another nice feature is that I can pull the swing's seat out and place his Graco car seat into the frame. This is very convenient for times when we get home and he's fallen asleep in his car seat. Everything about the swing is super nice and oh so comfy. I plan to sell Carter's swing once he's outgrown it because it has a good resale value. However, if God ever gives me another little one, this swing will be at the top of my "To Buy For Baby" list. 

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


Wilson and I purchased this outfit for Carter from The Children's Place which is one of my favorite childrens clothing stores.  These pictures were taken at Carter's daycare several weeks prior to Easter.  I think that he looks like such a cute little man in this outfit.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Wilson had his visitation today with Carter and went to Concord Mills for several hours.  It was beautiful and sunny outside. The first signs of spring are just starting to make their appearances...green grass, flower petals and new buds on the trees. The air is fresh, clean and pleasantly cool. I feel re-energized after spending a little bit of time out and about.  I find it interesting how we all wore blue today.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Not much to say about these pictures. Tonight was pretty uneventful. As you can see, Wilson came over for his bi-weekly visitation with Carter.